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Sunday, June 5, 2011

iGREEN Network – Karnataka

iGREEN network – Karnataka

Place: CRUES, Bangarapet                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Date:  28-05-2011
Members Present :
1.       Mr. M.S.jakati, Secretary,
Gram Parivarthan Kendra. Main Road, Shivaji Nagar, Belgaum – 590 016, Karnataka. Tel. 0831-2471254. Mob.94486 32917. E-mail: ,
2.       Mr. Penuvel  Simha,Founder,HESDSOP Society, Ramangar, Ramakoppam, chitoor  AP. Tel:08587 279768, mob.: 9963 671763 , E-mail:
3.       Mr.Premanand Thambi , Gen Secretary, CRUES P.O 50, Nehrunagar, Budhikote road, Bangarapet – 563 114, Kolar dist, Karnataka.
Tel.; 08153-257097, mob.: 96636 19800, 9449634083, E-mail: ,  web.: .
4.       Mr. Srishylam Hungary. Nelson Mandela Grameena Abhirudhi Seva Samasthe, 92, Sagar Floor Mill (IB Colony),  Behind Central Bus stand, Gulbarga. Mob.: 9845617201.
5.       Mr. Harisha ,President  FOCUS Trust, Bangarapet  Kolar district . Mob. 8453450613, E-mail: .
6.       Mr.C.V.Nagaraj, Integrated Rural Development Society – IRDS . Kolar , Karnataka
7.       Ms. Preethi, Greed Foundation , Yadgiri, Karnataka
8.       Mr. Rajappa, Coordinator, CRUES, Bangarapet , Kolar dist, Karnataka  .
9.       Mr. Ravichandra, Hiere Karuppanahalli Bangarapet- Karnataka , mob.: 9591720977
10.   Mr.Maruthi Prasad, CRUES, karuppanahalli,Bangarapet , Karnataka . mob. 9844942457.
11.   Mr. Somasekar, Chohangunte,Avani, Mulabagal, Karnataka. Email:

Proceedings of the meeting:
1.       Mr. Premanand Thambi welcomed the members for the iGREEN initial meeting at Bangarapet. And also introduced the iGREEN net work Tamilnadu convener, Mr. Francis Xavier and Mr Abdul Aziz , an Environmental  Scientist.  The members requested Mr. MS. Jakati to moderate the meeting.
2.       Mr. M.S. Jakati , addressed the need of action towards Safe environment in the present context and too particularly in Karnataka and all over India. He also welcomed the participants and requested Mr. Francis Xavier to explain the reduction of Carbon die oxide as one the element that can be addressed to gether  .
3.       Mr. Francis Xavier  explained the 350 campaign all over the world . He also explained what is 350 through a power point presentation and why?
 He encouraged the net work members to involve in 350 campaign education in their operational area. He requested all the members to learn more about the messages of 350 and reduction of co2
4.       Mr. Sieti Immanuel had explained the World environment day  and its origination through a power point presentation. The urgency for protecting the nature is a climax. The presentation challenged the members to be a environmental   friendly people.
5.       After the lunch break, Mr.Abdul Aziz the scientist has presented his inventions towards the decrease of carbon die oxide. Members had many clarifications for the use of items the Scientist  invented.
6.       The later evening the business meeting  was held and  resolved that Mr. Premanand Thambi to be the convener of the iGREEn Karnataka Net work.
7.       The net work members unanimously resolved the suggestion made by the convener of iGREEN , Tamil Nadu for the Annual Subscription of Rs. 2000/-
8.       Mr. Francis Xaviour facilitated the Action Plan  for the next six months  to be prepared by the member NGOs . Then responsibility of the district been divided among the members as follows.
-          CRUES – Kolar District
-          IRDS-  Chickaballapura District
-          GPK – Belgaum District
-          FOCUS trust – Kuppam District
-          Dr. Nelson Mandela – Gulburga District
-          Hesdsop – Chittoor District
-          GREED foundation – Yadgiri District
-          BRDS – Bagallkote District
9.       Mr. Francis Xaviour has introduced  few suggestions that member NGOS can hold in the project area
-                 350 campaign
-          Zero plastic campaigns.
-          Cycle campaigns
-          Creation of website or BlogSpot  for visibility
-          Tree plantations 
-          iGREEN model village
-          Stop vehicle in red signal boards.
10.    The net work meeting resolved to present all the NGOs the following documents for records.
-          Trust Deed / Bye laws of Society.
-          Annual activities report for last three years.
-          Annual audited financial statements for three years.
-          PAND card copy
-          Profile of the Organisation.
11.   All the member NGOs are requested to present their data and statistics by 10th  June to net work
-          Details of the tree coverage area.
-          Exploited / degradation of trees/forests.
-          Industry related pollution data.
-          Any other area of black carbon pollutions.
Meeting adjourned after the vote of thanks by Mr. Premanand Thambi

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